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Walking in Forgiveness: A Journey to Freedom

“If you forgive those who sin against you, your heavenly Father will forgive you. But if you refuse to forgive others, your Father will not forgive your sins.” — Matthew 6:14-15 (NLT)

In a world filled with challenges, one of the most profound ways we can reflect God’s nature is by embracing forgiveness. It’s not just a suggestion—it’s a non-negotiable part of living a Christ-like life.

Forgiveness: A Key to God’s Heart

Forgiveness isn’t always easy. It requires letting go of pain and offenses that might feel justified. Yet, as Jesus demonstrated, forgiveness is at the heart of God’s character. In John 5:19-20, we’re reminded that Jesus only did what He saw the Father do. If God forgives freely and wholly, so must we.

What is Forgiveness?

Forgiveness is a decision to release someone who, by all accounts, “deserves” to be held accountable in the prison of our hearts. But here’s the twist: when we imprison others with unforgiveness, we enter that same prison ourselves.

Our hearts were created to hold one emotion above all: love. When unforgiveness takes root, it crowds out love and leaves us bound. The more we hold onto grudges, the more we lose our freedom and joy.

Why Should We Forgive?

  1. Obedience to God: Forgiveness is an act of trust and obedience. Matthew 6:14-15 reminds us that forgiveness opens the door for us to receive God’s forgiveness.

  2. Healing and Freedom: Holding onto grudges drains our spiritual, emotional, and even physical well-being. Forgiveness is the key to breaking free.

  3. Reflecting God’s Nature: As recipients of God’s limitless grace, we are called to extend that grace to others.

How and When to Forgive

  • Who: Everyone—family, friends, strangers, and even ourselves.

  • How: From the heart, not just out of duty. Let go of the offense and trust God to handle the rest.

  • When: Immediately. Don’t wait for the perfect moment. Ephesians 4:26 reminds us, “Do not let the sun go down on your wrath.”

What Forgiveness is NOT

  • Denying the pain or pretending it doesn’t hurt.

  • Condoning the offense or ignoring wrongdoing.

  • Forgetting what happened—it’s about choosing to release, not erase.

  • Being weak—true forgiveness requires strength and humility.

A Case in Point: The Parable of the Unforgiving Servant

In Matthew 18:21-35, Jesus tells the story of a servant forgiven an enormous debt, only to refuse forgiveness to someone who owed him a much smaller amount. This parable challenges us to remember how much God has forgiven us and inspires us to extend that same mercy to others.

Practical Steps to Forgive

  1. Pray for Guidance: Ask the Holy Spirit for help. Forgiveness is a supernatural act that requires God’s strength.

  2. Acknowledge the Hurt: Recognize the pain and take it to God.

  3. Release the Offense: Let go of the need for revenge or restitution.

  4. Commit to the Process: Forgiveness may not happen instantly, but each step brings healing.

Final Thoughts

Forgiveness isn’t easy, but it is essential. Romans 12:19 reminds us to leave vengeance to God. When we forgive, we mirror God’s character and step into the freedom He desires for us.


Who is in the prison of your heart today? Ask God for the strength to release them—and yourself—into His loving hands.

Lord, thank You for forgiving me more times than I can count. Help me to reflect Your grace by forgiving others, no matter how difficult it may seem. Fill my heart with Your love, so there’s no room for bitterness or unforgiveness. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


New Covenant Assembly Winnipeg is a church with a vision to raise a mighty people who are fully committed to Jesus Christ.

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